
IV Therapy

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IV Infusion Overview

Our tailored intravenous vitamin infusions provide a focused delivery system, introducing vital hydration, nutrients and antioxidants straight into your blood flow. This method may offer improved absorption and more rapid effects than traditional oral supplements. Let our IV therapy solutions refuel you with the building blocks for overall well-being.

How Does IV Therapy Work?

Our personalised IV wellness therapies start with careful venous access, as one of our skilled technicians inserts a small catheter into a vein in your arm or hand. This allows us to connect you directly to nutrient infusions, bypassing the digestive process. We calibrate each ingredient and delivery rate to your body and health goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is NAD+?
Think of NAD+ as your body’s internal defense system. It’s essential for healthy cells, DNA repair, and combating the wear-and-tear of aging. Unfortunately, time takes a toll on our NAD+ stores. Research suggests that maintaining optimal NAD+ levels could be a powerful tool for promoting a longer, healthier life. Our practice offers NAD+ IV therapy.
Am I a Good Candidate for IV Therapy?
While intravenous treatments are regarded as safe, we take care to ensure it’s the right choice for your unique needs. A thorough health analysis is key – we’ll have an in-depth discussion of your medical background, taking note of any conditions, medications or sensitivities relevant to infusion suitability. Your well-being comes first at our medispa. We’ll take the time to understand your goals before selecting a suitableIV formula. Should we determine IV therapy may not be appropriate, we’re happy to suggest alternative routes.
How Should I Prepare for IV Therapy?
No elaborate pre-procedure preparations are necessary. Our experienced team will address any questions to equip you with peace of mind leading up to your personalised treatment.
What Should I Expect From IV Therapy Recovery?
IV therapy requires little post-treatment care. We will place a small bandage over the catheter site that should remain for a brief period. This helps prevent any minor bleeding as the injection site heals. Other than keeping the bandage on, you can resume normal activity immediately after your IV infusion. There is no downtime needed.