
PicoWay Laser Skin Treatment

PicoWay is an advanced laser technology known for its precision in targeting cosmetic skin concerns such as pigmentation, fine lines and textural irregularities. Utilising ultra-short picosecond pulses, PicoWay delivers photoacoustic energy beneath the skin’s surface without overheating surrounding tissue. This makes it safer than traditional lasers for all skin types, especially for darker skin, while reducing discomfort and downtime.

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What Is the PicoWay Laser System?

PicoWay is a picosecond laser, meaning it emits ultra-short energy pulses that last just one picosecond, or one trillionth of a second. These brief bursts of energy create a photoacoustic effect that breaks skin pigment into smaller, more easily eliminated particles and stimulates collagen production.

The PicoWay system includes three wavelengths: 532 nm, 730 nm and 1064 nm. Careful wavelength selection allows the laser to be absorbed by the target with minimal absorption by the surrounding skin structures, reducing adverse effects.

What Skin Concerns Can PicoWay Target?

PicoWay’s photoacoustic energy is particularly well-suited for treating benign pigmented lesions, such as:

  • Sun spots (solar lentigines)
  • Age spots (senile lentigines)
  • Freckles (ephelides)
  • Nevus of Ota
  • Becker’s nevus
  • Café au lait spots

The PicoWay laser can also target:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Acne scars
  • Textural irregularities
  • Enlarged pores

How Does PicoWay Differ From Traditional Laser Treatments?

PicoWay is distinct from traditional lasers in several key ways:

Picosecond Technology

PicoWay operates using picosecond (trillionths of a second) laser pulses. These ultra-short pulses deliver energy to the skin much faster than traditional lasers, which typically use nanosecond (billionths of a second) pulses.

Enhanced Precision and Safety

PicoWay’s ultra-short pulses minimise the heat impact on the skin. This enhances safety and offers a more comfortable treatment experience with reduced risks of scarring or pigmentation changes.

Versatility in Treating Pigmentation

PicoWay is known for its efficacy in treating various pigmentation issues, from age spots and sun damage to more complex conditions like melasma. Its ability to shatter pigment particles into very tiny fragments allows for easier and more complete clearance by the body.

Suitability for All Skin Types

PicoWay’s technology is suitable for a wide range of skin types, including darker skin tones, which can be more challenging to treat with traditional lasers.

Reduced Treatment Sessions

Treatment with PicoWay may require fewer sessions than traditional lasers, making it a more time-effective and cost-effective solution for skin rejuvenation and pigmentation concerns.

Reduced Downtime

Clients typically experience less downtime with PicoWay than with traditional lasers. The treatment’s photoacoustic effect allows for a more rapid recovery, letting you return to your daily activities sooner.

Your Gold Coast PicoWay Treatment

Upon arrival at La Beauty, you’ll be welcomed into a relaxing environment. We prioritise your comfort and education, and we will be sure to answer any last-minute questions you may have.

Before the laser is applied, the targeted area will be cleansed to ensure it’s free from any makeup, oils or lotions. A topical anaesthetic may also be applied.

Once you’re ready, the PicoWay treatment begins. The device will be passed over your skin while it delivers quick, picosecond pulses. You may feel a sensation similar to pinpricks or a light flicking against your skin.

The treatment duration varies, typically 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the size and complexity of the area being treated.

Will There Be Downtime After My Picoway Laser Skin Treatment?

Most clients are able to resume their normal activities almost immediately after the session. This can make PicoWay a good choice for those seeking skin rejuvenation without significant interruption to their busy schedules.

It’s common to experience some mild redness and a warming sensation in the treated area, akin to mild sunburn. These effects are usually temporary, subsiding within a few hours to a day. Less often, there may be some swelling or bruising, especially in more sensitive skin areas.

We will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions. This includes skincare recommendations, sun protection advice and guidelines on when to resume regular activities and makeup routines.

How Long Does It Take to See Results From PicoWay?

You may start to notice subtle improvements after your first session. These initial changes can include a brighter skin tone and a smoother texture. However, the most significant results are typically seen after a series of treatments.

PicoWay works by stimulating the natural processes of your skin, particularly collagen and elastin production. Since these processes are gradual, the visible improvements in your skin will also develop over time. It’s like nurturing a garden — patience and consistent care bring more significant results.

How Many PicoWay Treatments Will I Require?

Everyone’s skin responds differently, and as such, the treatment plan is personalised. During your consultation, we will estimate the number of treatments you might need based on factors such as your skin type and the extent of your concerns.

Most clients require two to five PicoWay sessions. These sessions are usually scheduled four to six weeks apart, allowing your skin to heal and respond to the laser between treatments. With each subsequent treatment, the results should become more pronounced.

Your solution to effective laser tattoo removal.

Here’s the thing: Removing an unwanted tattoo is safer and easier than ever before. Previously, traditional laser tattoo removal had its limitations such as:

  • Limited treatment of tattoo colours and types
  • Inability to effectively break up ink particles
  • Discomfort during treatments
  • Certain risks, particularly with darker skin tones

With the use of cutting edge technology like the PicoWay, more difficult tattoos consisting of multiple layers are now more easily eliminated. Studies have also proved that the PicoWay laser can deliver removal of multi-coloured tattoos including difficult to treat tattoos consisting blue and green. Moreover, with the PicoWay we are able to treat a wider range of skin types making this an attractive solution for everyone.

What makes PicoWay technology so good?

Laser light is directed at unwanted pigment in ultrashort picosecond pulses. These pulses shatter the pigment into thousands of tiny particles which are then eliminated by the body’s natural processes. The PicoWay laser emits less heat energy than traditional lasers, which makes it a safer, comfortable treatment with fewer side effects.

Your PicoWay Treatment

  1. During your first visit, we will test your skin’s reaction to the laser to determine appropriate treatment settings.
  2. Before the procedure, a numbing agent is applied to the target area.
  3. During the treatment we deliver energy with a highly precise, high-power laser in extremely short pulses to target ink particles with great impact. The PicoWay laser light is targeted at colours matching the specific laser wavelength.
  4. These pulses shatter the tattoo ink into miniscule particles, making it easier for the body to carry away and clear the tattoo, requiring few treatments. Following the PicoWay treatment, most of the ink particles are removed by the body.

The La Beauty Difference

Fewer treatments: PicoWay offers better results in fewer treatments. It can eliminate a wide range of tattoo colours across a broad range of skin types with low downtime.

Faster results: PicoWay uses ultrashort laser pulse with concentrated high-peak power that shatters tattoo ink into minuscule particles. This makes it easier for your body to naturally eliminate ink particles.

Minimised risk: PicoWay creates acoustic stress that breaks down tattoo ink and doesn’t overheat surrounding tissue, which makes it safer for all skin types, especially for darker skin.
Minimal discomfort: Since PicoWay’s pulses are fast, most clients report feeling a tolerable amount of discomfort throughout the procedure.

Before and After


Post 5 Treatments


Post 5 Treatments


Post 5 Treatments


Post 5 Treatments

PicoWay Laser Skin Treatment Frequently Asked Questions

Can PicoWay be used on all skin types?
PicoWay is known for its versatility across a diverse range of skin types. This inclusivity is notable, as traditional laser treatments often pose limitations and higher risks for darker skin tones.
How does laser tattoo removal work?
The PicoWay laser emits highly concentrated light energy in short, ultra-fast picosecond pulses. These pulses are absorbed by the tattoo ink particles embedded in your skin, causing them to shatter into tiny fragments. Once the ink particles are broken down into smaller pieces, they are small enough for your body’s immune system to eliminate them. Your lymphatic system gradually flushes out the ink fragments, leading to fading of the tattoo.
What can make a tattoo difficult to remove?

The following factors can influence how challenging it is to remove a tattoo:

  • Ink Depth — ink that is deeper in the dermis layer of the skin can be more difficult to remove
  • Ink Particle Size — larger ink particles can be tougher to eliminate
  • Colour — black inks are generally easier to treat because they absorb more laser energy, while colours like red and yellow can be more stubborn
  • Skin Tone — darker skin tones are harder to treat with certain lasers due to a risk of laser energy being absorbed by the skin, rather than just the tattoo ink, which can cause skin damage
How should I prepare for my PicoWay treatment?
Avoid sun exposure, tanning beds and self-tanning products for at least two weeks prior to treatment. This helps improve the effectiveness of the laser and decrease the chance of post-treatment complications. Use broad-spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher daily.

Avoid any irritants to your skin, such as products containing acids, astringents or vitamin A derivatives for one week before your treatment. If you have a history of perioral herpes simplex virus infection (cold sores), an antiviral medication will be prescribed as part of your pre-treatment plan.

What are the benefits of PicoWay for tattoo removal?

We’ve chosen the PicoWay system for tattoo removal due to its numerous benefits that align with our commitment to delivering superior care:

  • Enhanced Efficiency — PicoWay’s advanced picosecond laser technology often translates into fewer treatment sessions to achieve results
  • Effective on Most Ink Colours — PicoWay can remove a wider range of ink colours, including traditionally challenging ones like blues, greens and reds
  • Lower Risk of Skin Damage — the ultra-short pulses of the PicoWay laser mean less heat is transferred to surrounding skin tissues, reducing the risk of burns, scarring and pigmentation changes
  • Suitable for All Skin Types — PicoWay can be used across various skin types, including darker skin tones that are more susceptible to complications with other lasers
  • Reduced Discomfort — many clients find the PicoWay treatment to have a more tolerable sensation than other tattoo removal methods
  • No Downtime — most clients can return to their regular activities right after treatment
Does PicoWay treatment hurt?
The experience of PicoWay treatment can vary from person to person, but most clients describe it as a series of quick snaps, similar to the feeling of a rubber band flicking the skin. PicoWay’s ultra-short pulses mean the skin is not subjected to prolonged heat, contributing to a more comfortable experience.

To enhance your comfort with PicoWay, we incorporate cooling methods into the procedure and offer topical anaesthesia before the treatment.

What are the possible side effects?
We believe in transparency and ensuring our clients are well-informed about our treatments. While PicoWay is considered safe in qualified hands, like any medical aesthetic treatment, it can have side effects, including:

  • Redness and swelling
  • Warmth or tingling sensation
  • Temporary skin discolouration
  • Bruising

The La Beauty team deliver PicoWay treatments with the utmost care and adherence to safety protocols. We provide aftercare instructions to help manage and minimise any side effects, and we are always available to assist if you have concerns.

Will there be downtime after my PicoWay treatment?
After your tattoo removal treatment, you may experience soreness, inflammation or redness. You may start applying cold compresses straight away to soothe the area. Your provider may also suggest applying a topical antibiotic ointment. If your skin scabs or blisters, do not pick at them.

In the first few days, you may need to wear a bandage over the treatment area to keep it dry. Avoid scrubbing the area or using abrasive skin cleansers. Stay out of hot showers, swimming pools, jacuzzis and saunas until fully healed. Keep sun exposure to a minimum.

How soon can I see results from laser tattoo removal?
Tattoo removal is a gradual process. After your first PicoWay session, you might begin to notice the tattoo fading. However, the full extent of the treatment’s impact may not be immediately apparent.

The rate at which your tattoo fades depends on several factors, including the ink’s depth, density and colour, and your body’s response to the treatment. Everyone’s skin and tattoo are unique, so response times can vary.

It’s not uncommon to start seeing more noticeable results after a few sessions. Most tattoos require multiple sessions to achieve full results.

How many PicoWay treatments will I require?

Each individual’s response to treatment can vary based on multiple factors. Here’s what typically influences the number of tattoo removal sessions required:

  • Tattoo Characteristics — The size, colour, location, depth of ink and age of the tattoo all play a role. For instance, older and darker tattoos may fade faster than newer or brightly coloured tattoos.
  • Desired Outcome — If complete removal is the goal, more sessions are usually needed than for clients seeking to fade a tattoo for a cover-up.
  • Individual Healing Responses — Everyone’s body reacts differently to laser treatments and clears ink at different rates. You should see more significant fading with each subsequent treatment until we reach your maximum.

Most clients see the most significant results with three to five sessions. Appointments are scheduled six to eight weeks apart. Your provider will inform you of the number of sessions they anticipate your tattoo will require during your consultation.

Will the tattoo be completely removed?
Complete removal is not always possible, nor is it every client’s goal. While some hope for full removal, others wish to fade their tattoo so a cover-up can be done.

We understand that the ultimate goal for many undergoing laser tattoo removal is complete eradication of the tattoo. The advanced technology of the PicoWay system offers the best chance of reaching the maximum degree of removal achievable. In some cases, the tattoo may not be entirely removed, but significantly faded and less noticeable. We will assess your tattoo during your consultation and provide a realistic expectation of what can be achieved.

Tattoo ink before PicoWay treatment

PicoWay technology shatters the pigment into miniscule particles that can easily be removed by the body

Book Your Gold Coast PicoWay Consultation Today

Choosing La Beauty for your PicoWay treatment means entrusting your skin to a team that values excellence, experience and empathetic client care.

To find out if PicoWay can help you, request a consultation today. You can reach us by phone on (07) 5538 8366 or use our online booking system.